Baby came early!


A little background. I had my 1st baby my daughter at 35 weeks. My water just broke and she was born 2 almost three hours later. Everything was ok but she had to spend a few days in the nicu. This time around I was taking progesterone shots to try to ensure that I would carry to term. At my 34 week appointment everything seemed ok. They checked my cervix and it was closed no dilation but babies head was low. That weekend I was 35 weeks. My poor husband had food poisoning so we went to bed early. Around midnight I woke up withstomach cramps nothing to bad but enough to make it where I couldn’t sleep. By 12:45am they weren’t stoping. I used the restroom and noticed blood so we called the ob and she said to come to the hospital. We had to scramble to find a family member to watch our daughter bc my brother who was set to watch her was out of town. We get to the hospital at 1:30 and they confirmed that my water had broke and I was already at 9cm. Here’s when things get scary. My doctor wasn’t there yet so a resident doctor was telling me not to push but with every contraction they could see his head. After ten mins he agrees to let me push well he stands there trembling. I push a few times and every time he comes so far he kinda gets pulled back up. At this point my doctor comes in pushes the resident out of the way and yells at me that we need to get the baby out now. ( my 1st clue something was wrong) another push and she reaches up to grab him and help him out. He’s finally out at 2:03am but not crying, I hear her say they need to cut the cord and then tells my husband he can’t do it. Turns out the cord was around his neck, he wasn’t breathing and was completely purple. They took him to start working on him in the room. It was over a min and a half before he made a sound longest minutes of my life. They let me see him for a second before taking him to the nicu. He was bruised all over, his face, arm and stomach, his eyes were so swollen. They were worried about him having a broken collar bone and arm bc he had gotten stuck on delivery. Luckily his arm wasn’t broken and he needed a 5 day nicu stay to make sure his breathing was ok and he was eating enough. We are very lucky and thankful that everything turned out ok.

Three weeks old now!