Any input would help? Negative pregnancy test??

My husband and I have been TTC for 6 months now, and I have been tracking every month, each day my symptoms, my body temp, been using an <a href="">ovulation tracker</a> , the whole 9 yards. The past 5 months I haven’t had any symptoms to make me think I was pregnant, but this month was way different. About a week after ovulating I started To experience mild cramping on and off for about 2-3 days but I figured I was still 7-8 days before my period so that wouldn’t be it,, my breasts also swelled massively and were very sensitive to touch , began hot flashes, urinating CONSTANTLY (which usually I am the type of woman who can hold and not go but like once a day, so this was way different for me to have To go every hour or two), and nausea with certain smells and foods has been happening even things I love Like seafood. Well today I am 4 days out from my period and I took a first response test that states it can detect 6 days before missed period, but said negative. Could I possibly still be pregnant but just tested too early?! Any other of you ladies get a negative this close to your period but actually BE PREGNANT a few days later? Was kinda down and sad, but thinking maybe I just tested too early?!