Anyone see fertility?

We just met with a fertility specialist today and I’m a little confused-

I’m on CD 9 and she did an u/s and said I have a 20mm follicle and I’m going to ovulate any day. She wants me back tomorrow and is going to test my CM. She said sometime after she will do a blood test to check my progesterone to see if I ovulated.

Question 1: I normally ovulate Anywhere from CD 13-18 based on OPKs, tracking, and plugging the info into glow and ovia. Would ovulating this early be bad?

Question 2: the last 10cycles I’ve alway has an LH surge on an OPK between CD 13-15. I’ve been taking an OPK and it is still negative. I’m gonna test tomorrow morning again as it is getting darker but from experience I have a few days to go before it peaks. Can I ovulate before getting an LH surge? Are my tests wrong? 😩 I’m SOO confused.

Can a follicle get too big? I’m going to ask her all these questions tomorrow but figured I’d see if anyone has been through this