36 And Trying

Hi Ladies,

I am 36yrs old and remarried about 2yrs ago (anniversary is 10/1). I have a 13yr old daughter that I raised alone while in the Military....I am out now and my husband really wants kids (he has none). Don't get me wrong...him and my daughter are inseparable! I truly couldn't have asked for a better man❤️❤️❤️...Anyway we have been trying to get pregnant since we got married and in the past I have had three miscarriages with my daughter being my only live birth....I guess all I want is for some other people praying with me ...the Bible says where two or three are gathered in his name there is his in the midst...So....all I need is two or three to just keep my little family in your prayers and pray that God blesses us with just one more healthy pregnancy so my husband can have something he really wants!