
Just wanted to vent.

Idk why this bothers me and I feel like it shouldn’t. So I’m gonna give a little back story. Well two weeks ago I got positive pregnant tests. Six to be exact over the course of a week and a half. Started with a light positive but still very clearly positive and over the course of the week and a half got light and lighter until it was negative. Went to the doc confirmed that I was gonna have a chemical miscarriage even though I hadn’t started bleeding yet because my levels were to low. So I went to the doc Monday and confirmed it wasn’t going stick. So Thursday my day off work I went on a date day with my husband to Napa. He knew what I was going threw and wanted to do something special. So we did a little tasting at one place. The only reason I felt ok drinking a little is because that morning I got negative tests and doc said it wasn’t viable. Well then Thursday night I start bleeding. I knew it was my chemical miscarriage. Come Friday morning I was in a lot of pain. Horrible cramping super heavy flow all around just pain. Best way to describe it was postpartum bleeding with how sore I was. So needless to say since I was in pain I called into work on Friday. I never ever call in so if I’m calling in know that I’m really sick or in to much pain. Well a co worker took it upon himself to talk crap about me to other co workers saying oh she can go to Napa but can’t come to work basically insinuating that I wasn’t actually sick. I haven’t talked to him or told anybody what happened because frankly it’s none of their damn business! It just really bothers me that I’m being talked about in a negative light when they don’t even know what I went through or the amount of pain I was in. I wasn’t having a fun time I was glued to the couch with a heating blanket. Pain meds didn’t even touch the pain. Would y’all just let it go or talk to the individual?