Winter Break with Daddy (Daddy Kink)


As I continued to watch my dad suck and fondle my best friends full tits, I flicked my fingers back and forth while they were deep inside my hot cunt.

Then my dad bent back a little a grabbed hold of his big, hard, throbbing, cock. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

Just then I let out a moan that was a bit louder than I would’ve liked. My dad and Tara stopped and froze like statues.

“Did you hear that?”, Tara said quietly.

“Shit! The door is open. I’ll go close it.”

As my dad walked closer to the door, I froze! There was nowhere for me to go. I would never be able to make it in any room in time, especially with my pajama bottoms around my ankles! He got to the door and opened it to look out! And there it was. The truth. There was no denying it on both our parts.

He looked at me with slight shock. Then the look faded. He started looking at me with different eyes. He looked at my pussy with my fingers still circling and rubbing my clit. I looked down at his protruding cock.

“Ok. You are an adult now. And I am very open minded. So, I will talk to Tara quick and I will be right back, ok?”

I just nodded, as I ran my fingers over my nipple again exposing my breast to my father.

He went in and talked to her and came back rather quickly.

“Ok, you can come in and sit in the chair as close as you want and watch. You can do anything you want to yourself, but you can’t join. Is that ok with you?”

“Perfectly ok!”, I said with a smile. I leaned in and kissed my dad on the lips. As I did I wrapped my fingers around his prick. He pulled away and shook his finger from side to side and smiled.

We walked inside and Tara learned up, smiled and winked. I pulled up an arm chair and removed the rest of my clothes. I sat on the chair and draped both of my legs over each arm to spread my legs and expose my ripened hole to both of them.

To be continued....