Depression,Body Dismorphia and Social Anxiety

I have suffered with these three mental disorders for most of my life during this time a had a boyfriend having him there was the best but it got so much worse we were doing rough he cheated on me with another girl that I never met made her text me and told me to say im his sister instead of his girlfriend. my boyfriend also had suffered with anger issues and I was always there to sooth him and help him calm down but I moved away so I wasn't there and he would call me and take his anger out on me and he would just yell at me and I couldn't be there to calm him but lemme just say side I loved this guy solo much he was my world and I just wanted to be there and make him happy and in the process I lost myself and my disorders have gotten worse since we've broken up and it's super hard I stay away from people cause Im scared I'll say something wrong I always have to see myself to make sure I look "pretty even tho I never do and im constantly crying and just super depressed and I've been like this for 1 year but I've had these disorder for 3 years it's not just because of the breackup it's so much more