I didn’t believe in signs until this month


Someone posted here that they were informed that birds nest in front of the house is a sign of baby coming soon. I said hey that’s interesting cuz we just saw one!

Guess what it came true!

Here are others signs I received this month:

2- my DD asking to read I’m a big sister book (we stopped reading it after I lost my second baby)

3- a random fb post about Sunday school lesson of Noah. The first thing I read was this verse: 13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.

I read it first as a post about a baby miracle 🤷🏼‍♀️

4- we had a family over with a baby and used our crib and baby monitor

The signs were so strong I couldn’t deny them

I will pray for all of you who are TTC. Hopefully you’ll get your sign soon 😊

Please keep my family and our rainbow baby in your prayers.