Clomid round 3 and still not pregnant.Advice please😢


The title says it all. 😔 Just so done. Been trying actively for over a year & just really need encouragement and some advice, just finished my 3rd round of clomid and trigger injection just got my period 2 days early. Really dont know what to do next, want to give up but at the same time i'm not sure. I'm with a private clinic so im paying for everything out of pocket. One doctor said that if Clomid doesnt work on the 3rd round then its best to move onto injectables because Clomid is usually most sucessful within 3 rounds. But then another Dr told me i could try more rounds of Clomid if i wanted to because my lining looks good/normal. It doesn't help that i'm getting different opinions from differenr doctors at the same clinic.I dont know what to do, just feel like i'tl never happen. Do i give up all treatments, do i do Clomid again? Injections?