How to know if I am in early labor

I am a ftm. I have had loose stools at least 4× today, which is extremely out of the ordinary for me. I have had a major burst of energy and have had the urge to clean EVERYTHING. I have literally done 4 loads of laundry, including all of baby's clothes. I have packed a diaper bag very specifically, picked out several outfits for her, from matching socks down to burp cloths 🤣. there's no doubt about the nesting. she's definitely in position. My doctor confirmed that my baby has dropped as low as she can go. my cm has definitely increased recently. I have been crampy and had a few braxton hicks today, not real painful but not pleasant. I've had pressure for days, but tonight it feels like there's so much weight on my butt. my butt and upper ( back side ) thighs are aching.