My Labor & Delivery Story Updated


So ladies when i wrote my labor & delivery story i left alot of details out due to the fact that i had just had my baby that day but i was just so happy & excited to share the birth of my babyboy Julian Ray. Well heres my updated story... My due date was July 28 & on July 27th is my little sisters bday (shes 17 yrs old) so one day before her bday we had planned to go get pizza & a cake but i had given up hope that my little one would even want to come before the 40 week mark. I had lost a big piece of my mucus plug a day b4 but i had no braxton hicks no anything... i went to a drs appointment & my doc said i was 1cm dialted & she didnt think i was gonna deliver soon so we had set up an induction for monday july 30 which was a real bummer... So on July 27th i woke up at 6:45am (i usually get up at 4:15am to make hubby lunch but he had that day off😏) I went to go pee like always but when i wiped i noticed that i had a decent amount of blood on the toilet paper but i thought maybe it was normal since i had heard of a bloody show but had never experienced one & this is my 4th baby. I just figured labor would be near i just never imagined how near it actually was. Well i cleaned myself up & laid back down to sleep but just as i laid down i jumped up from a horrible contraction. I thought maybe i was just having some colics but just before i can settle in again i got another one. They were coming every 7 mins so i got up to time them & by the time i was timing them they were coming every 5 mins. I gathered a few last minute things in my bag & by then they were every 3 mins. It had been about 30-45 mins from my 1st contraction. They were excrutiating... I got to the hospital at 8 oclock & the nurse to me she needed a urine sample so i gave her one & then she asked me to undress and keep in mind my contractions are coming every 2-3 mins & this lady is takin her sweet time to come & check me. As i was undressing i got a horrible contraction and leaned on the bed when i just felt a gush come down my leg & all over the floor. I thought my water broke & when i see my husband get up really quick to hold me & i look down and theres blood all over my legs & on the floor. With help from my hubby i manage to get up on the bed & every contraction that im having theres alot more blood. By the time the nurse comes in to check me i have the padding under me covered in blood. She freaks out & asks me if ive ever had placental abruption & i said no. She checks me & tells me that i am at 7cm dialated & that she needs to get me a room quick. 10 min later im in a room & their putting in my iv in & my dr comes in to check on my bleeding & she decides to check me & tells me im at 8cm & 100% effaced & progressing quickly but that she believes i had a partial placental abruption due to my very heavy bleeding & that we needed to get baby out ASAP! Well thats exactly what i wanted since i didnt even get a chance to get the epidural and i just wanted all the pain to go away... As i was contracting my doctor would put all her hand inside my vagina to stretch it out & that felt even worst but it worked because 20 mins later i was 10cm dialated. Time to push... Well let me tell you that was the hardest part for me. Ive had 3 other kids 1 of them i didnt get the chance to get the epidural either & he was out in 3 pushes so when it came to pushing i knew where to put focus the pressure. I pushed & pushed & pushed & he wasnt coming down. I was so upset so exhausted and in so much pain i got fustrated & began to cry which of course wasnt helping. I focused and began pushing with all i had again & this time his head began to crown. I pushed 2 more times and i welcomed my babyboy Julian Ray at 9:50 am on July 27th weighting 7lbs 7oz 20 in of perfection just 3 hours after my labor began. It was so quick, super painful but worth every single second. I have my eyes & face full of busted blood vessels from all the strength that i did but hey i have my baby here with me thank God hes healthy. I wish all mommies to be a safe and quick labor but not that quick so in case you want the epidural it gives you time to get it. 😉 Heres my baby

him holding his pacifier 5 days old