2 am thoughts... 😭


As i lay here in bed, next to him, at two something in the morning... i turn to him and see him sleeping so peacefully. I run my fingers through his beard, rub his cheek gently, then run my fingers through his hair and begin feeling our little one move around. My heart races and the flutters i feel inside of me make my eyes water. Laying here trying to hold my tears in, this is an incredible feeling. I keep thinking to myself of how lucky i am to have finally conceived. Keep thinking of how our little one has brought us closer together. How i cant wait to meet him, how my love keeps growing for him (hubby) and how much more my love grows each day for the life that i am creating inside of me. I love them so much words cant describe. I thank you god for this miracle we both had been waiting for, i hope that soon i will be able to bring him into this world for us to love and cherish. I also thank you for this wonderful man you brought into my life. 💛

*** Trying so hard not to wake him up but these hormones have me feeling some time of way. 😭😭😭

I appreciate everything even more now.

I am so thankful for and glad i have this man in my life and that soon my son will be able to call DAD. 💛