Could I be pregnant? 🤔

Hello ladies, my husband and I have been trying for a few months. I had a MC last August, so have been praying for my rainbow baby.

I am 4 days away from my period, but I have been having the following symptoms, I didn’t take any test yet as I don’t want to be disappointed, but wishing that I got my baby now... please help me with the symptoms. Are the real or just my mind massing with me (yet again)? Thank you!!

July 30-31 (16 DPO) I had mild cramps in lower tummy, exhaustion, little sore boobs, but from yesterday just discomfort in the abdomen (no cramps), soreness in the boobs have gone down but super hungry and lower back pain, exhaustion continued as well as low grade fever. Could I be pregnant? Anyone experience this?