Watching Tania Part 1


My marriage to my wife Amanda had been on the rocks for years. It actually wasn’t a marriage at all! We we room mates. We, didn’t eat together, did different activities, spent as little time with each other as possible, did separate activities with our son, and definitely, definitively didn’t have sex! Even when we were in good terms, in bed, I was like a new Ferrari, she was like and old, rusted out Chevy 3100 that didn’t even kick over when you turned the tumbler. She never wanted it. Even before our son. She just had hardly any sex drives.

I do believe in “accidents” when it comes to pregnancy. He was just a...surprise. And I thought I was doing the right thing for him! Unfortunately, that means many sacrifices for myself. But, I would sacrifice anything and everything for him, including my life. He is everything to me!

So, when it came down to a night out for me, (which was the first time ever where my parents weren’t available), I wanted the best of the best! On a side not, Amanda went out every weekend, leaving us behind, without giving it a second thought.

My neighbors that I was close with always hired the same girl! She was a senior in High School saving for college. Her name was Tania. She got straight A’s, was captain of her soccer team, and captain of the Pep squad and Cheer Squad. She was also nominated for Valedictorian. She had already had some Ivy League schools approach her with scholarship offers, as well as many other schools. She was perfect, with tons of references!

I knew that Jim and Diane were going to a fundraiser this Thursday night, and that Tania would be watching the kids. I felt so creepy, but I had to make sure that she had no flaws if she was going to watch my son. Jim’s house was very modern and was surrounded by glass and metal walls instead of traditional stick built walls. It was surrounded by minimal bamboo and tropical plants and a large pool in the back. It was absolutely amazing. I think some famous architects designed it. You could even see original photograph, paintings, and artifacts on the wall that were worth just as much as the House.

So, although I felt like a creep, there I sat, up in my room with binoculars in hand. I watched as Jim and Diane walked out the door and Tania waved to them. She shut the door and went inside and plopped down on the big chair facing away from me.

“Shit! Now I won’t be able to see what she’s doing.”

She talked to the kids excitedly. They got up quickly and jumped up and down. She put a movie into the DVD player and it started to play. Then she went in the kitchen for a minute or two and brought back some small bowls of popcorn and small glasses of chocolate milk. They chomped down the popcorn then drank the milk on a couple gulps. Within 10 minutes the kids had laid their heads down and fallen asleep.

“Hm. That was quick”, I thought to myself.

She took them up, one by one and put them into their beds and tucked them in. After they were settled and sound asleep, she sat back in her big comfortable chair and pulled out a very thin lap top. She reached in her bag and pulled out a small thumb drive and plugged it into the side. Now, although SHE was turned away from me, I could see everything she was looking at on the small screen.

The screen made her pretty face glow in the dim light. With a couple clicks, I saw that our spotless good girl, had a bad girl that hid deep inside her. I see a scene start that quickly turns into a hardcore porno flick! The girl in the film was very young. And the guy? Was about my age?!!! Did this mean she had a thing for older guys? No way!

My mind began to race with scenarios. I put down the binoculars and noticed that my cock was twitching with excitement.

How should I play things from here?

To Be Continued.....