
I had an abortion in the beginning of May. my follow up showed it was complete. At the beginning of July I booked another ultrasound because I still wasn't feeling well and the pregnancy test still showed instant positive. ultrasound showed I was 16 1/2 weeks pregnant. I was booked into hospital the following morning to have another abortion. this one didn't go as well. I spent 2 days taking pills every 3 hours for 12 hrs each day. I had cramps within 2 hrs of the first set of pills but I didn't start to pass anything until 3 hrs after my last dose on the second day. it then took about 10hrs to pass everything.

2 weeks after I left hospital I had a extremely heavy bleed. I soaked 14 overnight pads in 4 hrs and that doesn't include the blood loss in the shower. my doctor said to just monitor till my follow up appointment 5 days later. at that appointment he found I had 2 fibroids and that the abortion was complete. yesterday, 5 days after my appointment, I had another massive bleed for 4 hrs. this was heavier than the first and I was passing some very large clots, the largest was about the size of my fist. tried to reach my doctor this morning but he is on vacation, so the other doctor in the office told me that this is normal and to just monitor.

I was really lucky that both of them happened at home, but i'm terrified to go out. I luckily do work from home but I run all the errands for the office. what if this happens when I am at the bank with the teller. yesterday I was in my yard when it started and by the time I got to the bathroom I had soaked the pad, my panties and my shorts.