I’m alone

So basically I started dating my boyfriend 8 months ago he was we went to the same school after 2 months of dating his mom told him that they are moving and hour and 30 mins away from where he lived to he moved we only saw each other on weekends for like 4 weeks but then he was really unhappy at his new school there wasn’t people who he could relate to at all so my mom was like he could stay with us for the school year since she liked him and was happy I that we were in a relationship so he started staying with me and I was going so well like we would go to school together come home it was just fun until he brought his PlayStation he would just sit in front of the tv for hours almost 8 hours some days I hated it I told him multiple times but it barley changed at school he was skipping class after a while and going to his friends house to drink and smoke and come back after school on time for my mom to pick us up and bring us home that annoyed me because he wasn’t doing anything with himself and the school ended up un enrolling him in the school he did not tell my mom he would come for the car ride everyday to school and then leave as soon as we got there before he was spotted by the principals I told him just stay home or something but no he wanted to go smoke with his friends and things like that when school was done we were in grade 12 so I’m graduating and he left school with 2 credits out of 8 .... now summer came and he’s out way more often he’ll make my uncle bring him to the go station or to a friends house while I sit at home alone because when we started dating I kinda stopped talking to my friends because of him so I’m bored everyday and he’s out at least 4/7 days of the week in a row I asked him to stay home more on multiple occasions I even ended up crying and telling him about my friend situation nothing changed he’s always texting his friends when he’s here and when I look over he stops or turns off the phone(the phone is mine technically it’s my old one)since he got The I phone things have just been diff and kinda secretive