I was screaming on all fours [long birth story]


I’m so excited to be able to share my birth story.

It all started two weeks ago.....

I told my husband I had a “feeling”. It was an intense feeling that I was going to have our baby within the week. I told him it was going to happen.

That Friday, we went to dinner and got a lot of food....like more than normal (two appetizers, entrees and dessert).

When we got home we Decided to do the do. And boy was it good.

Afterwards we went to the living room to Netflix and chill. I was so sad and thought....no baby this Friday. We inflated my yoga ball and I bounced on it for a while. Nothing happened so we decided to go to bed around 11pm.

Of course I had my usual ritual of “lay down” get up to pee, lay back down get up to pee ten minutes later. So I was browsing the internet until that stopped.


I had what felt like a period cramp and then thought it had made me pee cause it was so strong of a cramp. I went to the bathroom and it kind of stopped. Well I stood back up and I filled up a pad, and then a second. I thought oh shit it’s happening.

I woke my husband (who was so sad to only have slept an hour) 😐 I called the emergency triage line to see when they wanted me to come in. They said immediately. We grabbed our bags, packed up and drove to the hospital about an hour away.

We got to the hospital around 1:30am and got admitted. Since my water broke they told me I couldn’t be in labor more than 12-18 hours and offered pitocin, a cervix softening pill or to wait it out. I was 50% effaced and 2cm dilated with my first baby. So I opted for the pill....and they gave me half of the tiniest pill I’ve ever seen.

I got my IV in and was walked over to the birthing suite.

Contractions weren’t horrible but coming in about every 10 minutes. I had one round of antibiotics and saline before the contractions were too strong to breathe through.

My husband has been soundly sleeping for an hour. I got in the jacuzzi and about fell asleep. The jets were so nice with the pain. The nurse said she would be back in 15 minutes to check on me.

Ten minutes in it hit me. I shot up out of the tub gagging uncontrollably about to puke. I run in the room butt ass naked and smack my husband because he’s sleeping and I’m in horrible pain. I get on the end of the bed on all fours. I’m grunting and making animal sounds and my husband is holding a puke bag to my face. The nurse comes back in and I yell that I want the epidural.

Nurse says she’s giving me some IV pain killers first. She runs out of the room and comes back. I’m screaming profanities still on all fours.

She makes me sit back to get the meds. And man was that painful, being on all fours was the only relief I could get. She pushes the drugs into my IV and then asks if I need to push. I say yes, but I want the epidural. She checks me and says “sorry no epidural you’re having your baby” I’m still begging for the epidural.

About 8 nurses rush in. They tell me when I can push. And man does that ring of fire burn 🔥 I’m screaming to get the baby out of me.

My husband stays at my head and holds my hand. My mom shows up five minutes into me pushing, she followed the sound of me screaming profanity to find my room 🤭. I apparently have pretty strong lungs, the whole floor could hear me.

I yell at mom to get in my room and hold my hand. Five minutes later my baby shoots out.

They have to catch her. My barefooted husband got his feet and legs covered in amniotic fluid and the nurses got sprayed 😈

My husband cuts the cord and they hand me our baby.

At this point the stupid meds fully kick in. I can’t open my eyes or move. My arms have no strength. And my husband has to hold my baby for me to breastfeed her.

I had a couple first degree tears and needed stitches. But overall it was a good birth. 38weeks 3days, about 5 1/2 hours start to finish, 10minutes and 4pushes to get her out. She was just under 6lbs.

My sweet girl having a snack

Update: thanks for all of the responses! I’m glad I was able to entertain you all!