Pissed off

My roommates gf who have a kid together became a real B today asking my bf if he was going to go to a birthday party or flake out like he always does all because he doesn't want to go fishing every single night with his friend. When my bf told her he works all the time and is tired and wants to spend time with me and the baby she said "what Sam (me) can't take the kid?" Obviously I can watch my own kid alone but his friend asks him to go out fishing every night as soon as he gets home and it's not like I tell him no because I don't but I would like to spend time with him too lately we both work all day come home fight and go to bed and I'd like to have a nice evening alone with him and also I don't get to go out alone with friends anymore because either my roommates gf wants to tag along or my bf does and I need my own and so That really made me mad I'm already having a hard time dealing with being a young mom at 21. I've gone out maybe twice to a bar since I had my son and I never go out I'm either working or at home with my son. It's like no one thinks I'm allowed to go do anything and that I should be home all the time with my son alone with out my bf and just clean and cook. I'm really getting sick of it I'm dealing with so much like postpartum depression, having no money, trying to go back to school, my mom and I no longer talk, and I don't need my bfs friends saying stuff like that if that's what they think about me and what I should be doing then I don't want to be a part of it. My relationship with my bf has already been struggling since we had a baby because it's stressful but to deal with stress from both my family and his friends is ridiculous and I don't think I'm strong enough to handle it. I don't know maybe I'm wrong I seem to be wrong about everything lately.