Is this a good thing? Anyone else?


So out of nowhere since yesterday I just have this feeling taking over my whole body... basically I just “feel” like I am going to get pregnant soon. It’s so weird like I am just happy and upbeat and somehow it’s just going to happen... does anyone think this may be a good thing? I don’t want to get my hopes up in any way but it’s just different never felt this before. Normally I suffer from anxiety and am scared and after our kind of bummer news I was thinking I’d be down but I can’t even sleep I’m so excited and hyper haha I’m hoping positivity and less stress helps. I’m cd 7 today so I’m starting opks today and starting sex every other day today. Wish us luck and thanks for the prayers. This feeling is so strange but feels so good. I hope this is it. Anyone else ever felt this? Was it a good thing? We would find out around our 7 year dating anniversary. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻