Why do I feel like a failure?

Whitney • Wife (5/20/17). Christian. Mommy to Ryleigh (8/08/18). 👨‍👩‍👧

Because I can’t have a natural birth? I got a call from my OB confirming exactly what my husband and I didn’t want to hear. I have to be scheduled for a C-Section in the next two weeks or so, because baby is breech and has no room to turn. I’m absolutely devastated.

This is my first child, so I’m paranoid as hell about how a c-section works and how it’s gonna turn out, but I’m even more feeling like I have no control in my baby’s birth.

There’s a huge stigma in both my husband and I’s families that C-Sections and medicated births are the “easy way out”, because my MIL had quadruplets with no meds, and my mom had 3 kids with like 2 hour labors and no meds. They brag about it at like every opportunity...and now I don’t even get the chance to try.

I feel like I’m upset over something I shouldn’t be, but I am. It almost makes me feel like I’m less of a mother because I have to have a C-Section. Anyone else feel like this? Or is it just me?