Induced at 41 weeks


I had an induction date set for July 3rd at 41 weeks. I was told to call after 5pm and they would let me know when I could come in. they weren't able to take me until 11:00 pm. At 12:00, they checked me and I was only 1 CM 50% effaced. They started a Foley bulb and cytotec. Needless to say, after starting on pictocin, I stayed at 3 CM until 9:00 PM on the 4th. Then they broke my water. Labor progresses very slowly for a little while. At 2:00 am the morning of the 5th, I finally got an epidural (the best decision ever) even though I wanted natural. Labor started progressing faster and at 1:38 pm I was fully dialated and effaced so they said to start pushing. Contractions went from every 2-3 mins to 4-6 mins. Needless to say, I would get 5 good pushes per contraction and then have a 5 min break where all my progress would be undone. After 3.5 hours of pushing she was her at 4:52 after 40 hours of induced labor.

Because of the amount of time pushing, she had to immediately go to the NICU so she could be put on a cpap for breathing issues. I was laying on the bed hemorrhaging so I couldn't feed her right away. They had to monitor her for day to make sure her blood sugar got better. I tried pumping and hand expression, but decided to supplement with formula. I have given her a few formula bottles, but have been breastfeeding. We were finally able to come home on the 8th!

Here is my stubborn little girl at 4 weeks!

I still have a little separation anxiety when I am away from her. We will have to see when she starts daycare in 4 weeks.