Birth Story

Emma • expecting my first August of 2018

My birth was very easy... for some it’s not. Thursday morning I woke up and went walking with my nephews at the park to walk around the walking path to get labor started. Mind you I had been having contractions for 2 weeks but not progressing any....

So we go home eat lunch my uncle brought for us, I say I’m going to lay down because I’m not feeling well and sleep for an hour, I wake up get ready for work, I go to work and I’m feeling miserable I am a waitress and asked the other waiter if he could take the majority of he tables and If he needed help I would help him. At 8:40 they send me home because I’m having contractions for hours and I’ve been drinking water and sitting down. I get home and I’m not feeling them as bad so I take a bath and then go to bed. I wake up around 1am with contractions that woke me up, it wasn’t that bad I go to the bathroom, I am drinking water and I take another bath to help relax myself. NOTHING was helping them go away I’m timing them and they are about 2-3 minutes apart and about 30 seconds long. It’s 3am by now and I go wake up my sister(I live with her) I tell her and she get up and gets ready we leave and the hospital is about 45 minutes away. We get there and I’m 6cm dilated and 100%effaced. I’m admitted into Labor and Delivery, I walk back there and I am like I need need some pain medicine, well they had to check and make sure I wasn’t dilated to far, well they checked and I was to far. I was a 7, I get up and walk around the hospital, I sit on a ball and I’m still not taking any pain medicine. She checks again no change still at a 7 I’m so mad because I’ve been walking and bouncing. I tell them I want the epidural, they start fluids to give me an epidural, she tells me to change positions and get on my hands and knees and I would dialate to a 10 she goes and checks on her other patient and said she would come back. She leaves tells the anesthesiologist to wait outside because she knows I’ll be ready when she gets back. She gets back checks me and says okay are you ready to have a baby I said yes and get ready, I push for 15 minutes and my beautiful baby boy enters the world at 10:05am, 8-1/2 hours of labor and 15 minutes of pushing no epidural, no pain medicine. It was hard but so worth it, I had such an easy birth and am so great full for it.

Day before I went into Labor(Thursday)

Bouncing on the ball

Right after he was born!

6 days post partum! Feeling and looking good