
Rebekah • 👰🏻🤵🏼Wife • 🐕Mom • Business Owner • 👶🏻#1

I have been so depressed this week. My sister & brother in law live with us with their 2 kids. She just had a baby last week. I absolutely love them all it just breaks my heart is so sad with the new baby and just wishing it was my time. And I get frustrated when my sister in law is already talking about having another and its been 3 years of off and on trying for us. On top of that my mother in law is in town (because of the baby). She is so negative and she doesn’t like me. She thinks I have it out for her (I know this because that’s what she told my brother and sister in law) I’m sure I do snap at her occasionally when I’m in the kitchen cooking or cleaning and she buts in and treats me like I’m incompetent and tells me how I need to do it or try’s to take over... I have gained 5lbs back of the 20lbs I lost. I am in my 2nd month of TTC again and I want to try to lose some weight but I hope it doesn’t affect TTC negativity. I’ve been drinking more water, eating way less sugar, and doing intermittent fasting... This month we tried pre-seed because I’ve read so many good thing about it. I haven’t been feeling very confident about it though. I tested today 11dpo and got a BFN. So now I’m just waiting for AF... sorry about my rant I just needed to vent...