

My family sucks. (Not my husband and son.)

My sister is with this new guy. She has not been with him for a year yet. A couple months ago she announced they were getting married next April! Then a about week ago she called me and announced that she was pregnant. Due exactly one month before her wedding date. I was floored. She has not had the best history with men. And she has dragged my nephew through hell. I can never forgive her for what she put him through. And now she is doing it again.

On the same side of that coin my husband and I have been trying to give our son a sibling for over three years now. Back in May I had to be put on birth control to dissolve a cyst. I died inside when they told me I had to put ttc on hold. I cried so many times. I have been checked out and am otherwise completely normal and healthy down there. So tell me why my sister who just up and decides she wants a baby and gets pregnant instantly, while we have been struggling.

Other members of my family agree that she should have waited and are not happy either, but I’m being made out to be a bad guy in their eyes because I am more vocal about how I feel. When I saw them tonight for MY birthday all they talked about was her. It was all about her wedding and her baby. After my sisters left my dad refused to let us leave because I told my sister I wasn’t comfortable planning a party for her wedding. Then it turned into him trying to force us into a just lay down and roll over attitude. When we FINALLY left my husband said, “You’re dad is manipulative.” Omg how I know this.

I can’t help it. I’m so mad and frustrated. It’s making me sick. I don’t want to be around them. I feel like if I do get pregnant after getting rid of the cyst, that my family is going to treat me even worse. Like I copied her or something.