At My Breaking Point with my Step Son

Theresa • Wife, Mommy, Advocate for children with special needs. “Down Syndrome was an unplanned journey, but we LOVE our tour guide!”

I’m so incredibly frustrated and I don’t even know if there is even anything I can do at this point.

For a little background, I have an 18 year old daughter, my husband has a 14 year old son and we have an 8 month old together.

My husband and I just went to Vegas. We only brought the baby. We met with his dad and step mom, who are from NY. His dad asked my step son if he wanted to go. Said he would fly him out. My step son said he didn’t want to go. We asked him if he wanted to go. He said no. He wanted to spend the weekend with his friends.

We are 3 days into the trip when I post that we are somewhere in Vegas. My SS texts my husband at 5am acting like he was not even invited to the trip! Tries to make my husband feel like shit because we are there without him. Then says, that’s cool dad. You do you bro!

I’m sorry! Were you not asked to go? Did you not choose to stay? So why are you so upset?

So then later on he posts a pic and captions it, “I’m glad I didn’t get to go to Vegas” Didn’t get to go? No son! You chose not to go!

Fast forward to today, we finally got home and he posts a pic of his step dad on Instagram. The same step dad who had beat him once to the point where it effects his vision to this day! He posts a picture of this man and talks about how reality really hit him hard and how he loves this man because he’s always been there for him no matter what, that he’ll always have his back blah blah crap! Literally saying things to purposely hurt his dad, knowing he will see it!

Well mission accomplished kid! Your dad is now heart broken!

Let’s forget about all of the things your dad has done for you and all of the times your dad has been by your side!

I’m beyond hurt for my husband and disappointed, irritated and furious with my step sons behavior!