Baby is here! ❤️ (birth story)

Shelby • Momma to one little girl ❤️

So, we had decided to be induced on Friday 8.3.18. We went in on 8.2 at 7pm and they gave me a pill twice to help soften my cervix before we started the pitocin. At 4 am (30 minutes before we were to start the pitocin and the point in which they began to count the length of labor) my water broke. We still began the pitocin to get my contractions on a good pattern. The doctor came in at 8 am to check me and began to try to break my water because the nurse hadn’t told him it broke on it’s own. 😂 I was at a 6 at that point. I used the birthing ball until it was time to push, and that is honestly the only way I was able to give birth to my perfect 7 lb 4.5 oz and 21 in baby girl completely unmedicated! I began to tear (twice) so the doctor ended up cutting me. I lost so much blood I kept passing out and had to get two units today (8.4.18). After all of the pain, I got my perfect baby girl and wouldn’t change a single thing about our labor experience because that’s what got me her. ❤️