August Baby turned July 🌸


Due August 5th

Since about 37 weeks pregnant, my doctor noticed that my BP was higher than normal and diagnosed me with Gestational Hypertension, so they decided to send me to NST testing to monitor my BP and Marley's (Daughter) heartbeat. Twice a week I would sit in the chairs, each time looking good and healthy. Then, at our 39 week check up. we went in for testing and it looked like Marley had a few irregularities in her heartbeat. The nurse came in and said that they were admitting me into Labor and Delivery and they would induce me today (7/27). Total shocker to us! We had no food before this appointment and we were planning on going into work later! So we walk over to Triage and the induction they did was a sort of balloon to ripen my cervix to move things along. that happened at 4 p.m., then around 6 p.m. they move me into the labor room and we get confortable. They gave me some IV pain medication to help with contraction which to me didnt hurt more than normal menstrual cramps up until the induction came out around 12 midnight then they started getting intense. I opted a few hours later to get an epidural around 2 a.m. I was finally able to sleep comfortably! At about 3:45 a.m. I woke up to a continuous pressure down low, so I called in the nurse to let her know and she checked and said "yup I can see her right now, she is ready to go, are you?" I said "okay lets go" I woke up Mike (husband) to let him know we were starting, the nurse told me when I feel a contraction to push and I did. I started pushing at 4:05 a.m. After a few minutes she told me to stop because it was going faster than they can get the doctor here! She arrives not too long after that and tells me to push and after about 3 pushes Marley is here! Born at 4:20 a.m. and 6lbs 15 oz. I couldn't believe how fast pushing went! No complications or vacuums or anything! I can't believe how much I love her and Mike has a new love of his life in addition to me now! 💕💕