Insensitive Acronym?


Throughout my journey of becoming a Mom I’ve noticed that every app I’ve used has one thing in common: acronyms. It’s really off putting to try and understand when you first start on this journey. Once you figure it out (it’s like a whole other language) it kinda makes sense??and all this TTC, BFP, BD, LO, BFN, SAHM, EBF etc etc (the list goes on and there’s so many I can’t keep track) is more frustrating than helpful (in my opinion), but I also understand that shorthand is easier for some folks to use... however, I have a serious problem with one acronym: FTM I know that in the ‘procreation’ realm it means First Time Mom but in the greater world outside of pregnancy, it doesn’t mean that. It’s an abbreviation in the LGBTQA community for transgender folks that means Female to Male. It just feels weird and wrong for us (cis Moms) to use it when it is a well established acronym in other wider venues. I get kinda cringy every time I see it used on here in that context and even moreso when it’s used outside the Pregnancy/Motherhood forums because it wasn’t ‘our’ acronym to begin with and I think it’s inappropriate and appropriating. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. In your view, is it inappropriate for Moms to use FTM as their acronym? Insensitive? And as a general question regarding acronyms: does the use of acronyms in this realm make you feel weird (like if you don’t use or understand them, you’re not part of the ‘cool Mom’ club)?