Baby dust and prayers for sticky beans 🌈🌈

Bowser • 🌈🌈 due March 2016
This is my 8th pregnancy.  I have 1 son he is 2 1/2. I am really praying for a sticky bean this time because Its getting hard to deal with the losses. 
I do understand and I have come to term with most of them. 
But my greatest pressure is people not understanding why I still want another child. 
I have only told the online community other then my OH. He however had told Everyone, he believes everything is going to be alright this time. Me I am a bit skeptical of course. 
Anyway what I want to say is don't give up. I had 4 miscarriages before ai had my son. I had 2 after and this one I do feel hopeful. 
If anyone wants to chat feel free. You are not alone. Xx