Are we in the wrong?

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

I've have been getting several things from family and my work for our son. The problem we are having is my step mother. To start, she has been buying and friends are giving her things for my son and telling me they're for us but when I come to get them, she just shows them to me and doesn't let me take them home. Now, honestly, the things she buys she can keep if she wants. She bought them and if she wants them for her house when he's there that's totally fine. But she's telling me they're for us to have, then when I'm there I can't take them with me.

My problem is, my work donated some things for us and I had her bring them to me in Roanoke so I could send them home with my hubby when he came to visit. (He works Mon-Fri so he's only able to come on weekends bc we live 3 hours away from the hospital he's in.) She got into an argument with him that those things were going home with her even though he was heading to our home that evening, where the baby will go when he is release from NICU. Yes, it is going to be a couple months before he's home but in my opinion, that doesn't matter. They are for him. Not for her.

Yesterday, My grandparents who live in Tennessee came in to see him. They also brought a trunk load of things for him. She argues with me that she will be taking everything to her house and my husband, who was in town but not with me at the time, could come to her house to get them when we had the nursery put together. Once again, he was there and could've easily taken the things with him when he went home today. But she seriously argued with me and I didn't wanna cause a scene in front of my grandparents who traveled to be there so I let her take them.

Am I in the wrong for being angry? I just do not see a reason they should be going to her house rather than mine when he's working on our sons room while I'm not there. Meaning, he needs the things we have so he can put them away and have it all together by the time he comes home.