Birth Story


I’m a little late in posting this but I’m a busy mom of 4. To start out I was due July 1st which is also my birthday, but with this being my 4th baby my midwife gave my husband and I the choice of being induced at 39 weeks. We chose to go with the induction because of course I was sick of being pregnant and I was GBS positive and thought it would be safer. (this was a rough pregnancy) We went to the hospital on Sunday June 24th at 4pm to start the induction. We were super excited 😆 to meet our little man. The nurses tried to start my iv and couldn’t get a good vain the tried a total 4 time before getting it into my right hand. After that I knew it was going to be a rough night. My midwife came in at 5pm to inset cervidil and she said I won’t feel and contractions or anything for a while. That was left in for 12 hours. I’m the morning my midwife came back in and took the cervidil out my body didn’t start contracting at all. She went ahead and checked me and I was at 2cm and 90% effaced she then started patocin at 6am. Nothing was happening I seriously thought I was going to be sent home. The patocin was upped every hour. At about 8am I started having contractions thank goodness. At 9am my midwife wanted to check my progress I was 100% effaced and only 3cm dilated. At that time she went ahead and broke my water. 💦 I was contracting every minute and a half and they we starting to get very strong very fast. With being induced the contractions were 10x stronger and harder than when I went into labor on my own. With that being said I wanted to wait for a few hours and get the Nubian and when that wore off I wanted to get and epidural. At 10am my midwife called down to the anesthesiologist just to let him know she had a mother who was going to want an epidural. Well he informed her that he was the only anesthesiologist in entire hospital and he had cases(paperwork) to do and wouldn’t be able to come up until after 3pm. My midwife came in to my room and told me what he said. I was in a lot of pain but I was fighting it as best I could. I finally broke down at 12:30pm and asked for the Nubian they gave it to me at 1pm I was at 6cm. To my dismay it didn’t work and just made me more exhausted 😩 than I already was. At 3pm I was begging for an epidural and my midwife called the anesthesiologist again and he said he was still busy and would be up as soon as he possibly could. Well at that point I was really irritated and in so much pain my entire body ached everywhere. I asked for a progress check I was at 6cm still. Well at 4pm my midwife called again and still nothing now she’s getting beyond angry and called the ceo of the hospital and made a complaint. We then had to wait another hour when the phone rang and the anesthesiologist was finally on his way up. At 5:20pm I was almost 8cm and the anesthesiologist was finally there to give me the epidural. He started to numb my back to put the epidural in and when he did he hit a vein in my back and was getting blood and then had to take it out and numb me again and put the epidural catheter in again in a different spot. I really wasn’t happy with him at all if I wasn’t in so much pain and so tired I probably would have ripped him a new one and kicked him in the face. He left about 15 mins after he came in and my husband and mother in-law were aloud back in the room. Finally I was comfortable enough to be able to talk after not being able to do anything for 8 hours bc I was in so much pain. I sat up in the bed and asked for a drink and when my husband went to give me my ginger ale I started to feel really cold and really weird like I was about to pass out my mother in-law must have seen it on my face bc she ran for my midwife and they all ran into my room before she made it to the door they started flipping me around my blood pressure was getting really low that why I felt funny it went back up and my midwife just walked out when I started feeling extreme pressure at 6:10pm and once again my mother in-law went out to the nurses station. The nurses came in and started setting things up along with my midwife. She told me 15 minuets and it would be time to push I told her well she better hurry bc this baby was coming and he was coming now not in 15 minutes. Well I was right lol she stopped what she was doing just to check me and said yup look like your right mom he’s right there. I asked for a mirror so I can see and I was given one and I pushed twice and my precious baby boy was here. Born at 6:15pm Monday June 25th. He didn’t want to cry for us and had a little bit of a hard time starting to breath they left him on my chest and rubbed him hard with a towel and ended up giving him a shot in the leg to get him screaming and he did and it was perfect. I got to keep him for 30mins then they weighed him he was a whopping 8lbs 8.1oz