Help me fix my belly!

Lauren • 👼🏼💜👦🏼💙🌈👶🏼💙

Baby #1 I gained 80lbs and lost 70 in the first 5 months after giving birth and 20 more before he turned 1.

Baby #2 I gained 60lbs and lost it all by the time he was 4 months.

I wouldn’t trade my babies for the nicest body in the world BUT is their any way I can get this yucky skin on my belly to tighten up? I nursed my first until he was 1y8m and currently nursing my 6m old until he’s at least 1 so I’ve excepted my boobs to be a loss and will always thank the VS gods for their fantastic bras but this extra skin flap that hangs over my pants, peaks out from the bottom of my shirts, and gets pinched in the buttons of my jeans makes me crazy! Any advice would be super appreciated!

Growing up I was always called a “butter face” or “a man with nice tits” so I’ve always felt like my body was all I had going for me and it is still lingering more than it should.

I’ve had some pretty serious PP depression after having my youngest, I’ve finally found a medicine that has worked miracles for me and I feel better in my body than I have since before I had my first but my belly just drives me crazy. It is even worse under where my pants sit and I have 2 huge stretch marks right above my crotch (one from each kid. 😋) so it all looks so weird lol I don’t hate my body, just curious of if their is anything I can do to help improve my self esteem 💕