Alicia • Wife. Momma. RN. Recurrent miscarriage survivor #iam1in4. Secondary infertility survivor #iam1in8

My husband and I have been TTC for a year now. In January, we suffered a miscarriage at 8 weeks. We waited one cycle and tried again, and got pregnant. However, in April at our 8 week scan we were diagnosed with a blighted ovum. We were encouraged by my ob/gyn to wait 3 months before trying again. This month, was the first month of us trying since April. I tested day of AF and got a faint positive. With what we have been through I was very hesitant and fearful of what would come next. The following day I woke up from a nap with very light pink spotting, that has progressed to full on AF today. Technically from my understanding this would be considered a chemical pregnancy. My husband and I have decided to continue to try one more time before calling having a baby off. However first I think I would like to see a specialist. I love my ob/gyn but.. the advice we have been given on this topic has been very minimal. Things such as “it’s just bad luck” or “we can do genetic testing but most times it comes back negative”. I know that sometimes there are no answers, but I feel like there should be some sort of better explanation. I know that all three are early miscarriage, but they are all three different as well. It’s just starting to get very frustrating! I’m not sure if a specialist would be able to tell us anymore than what we’ve already been told or if I’m just grasping at straws ... has anyone been through anything similar? If so, I would greatly appreciate any advice or maybe what you did or what type of doc you saw or encouraging outcomes