Induction Birth Story


Hey everyone! So I love telling my birth story because it helps people not be so freaked out about inductions. Because I was totally freaked out about it happening, and hearing good stories about them definitely made me feel better. So here it goes.

September 22, 2017 was supposed to be my original induction date, but they had no beds available. My due date was September 15th but my daughter didn’t want to come out. My doctor originally wanted to induce me on the 15th but I didn’t allow it. Since the fluid was good I wanted to give her more time.

September 23rd.

So I call L&D; the next morning and the lady says to me “I was just about to call you, I called the women ahead of you on the list and she didn’t answer, so it’s your turn. Can you come in at 12:30?” It was a little after 11 but my bags were all packed and by the door. I only lived 20 minutes from the hospital so 12:30 worked. Once we get there they take me to my room right away and I get all settled in. We are there for a few hours before they even put in the order for the Cervidil and Pitocin. So 4:30pm rolls around and the Cervidil is almost ready so they allow me to eat one last meal before I can’t eat again. So I ordered arroz con pollo which made my daughter happy lol. So at 5:30 they officially insert the Cervidil. For the first two hours you can’t get out of bed. So we played cards. After that I was able to do whatever I wanted to. That had to be in for 12 hours. So they would take it out the next morning.

September 24: The Big Day.

So fast forward to 5:30 the next morning. In between those 12 hours I was having slight contractions but didn’t notice. Once the nurse told me they increased and slowly went from a 3 on the pain scale to a 10. I wasn’t allowed to have an epidural due to Factor XI deficiency ( a form of hemophilia found in females) so only local pain medicines were an option for me. So it’s now 7:30am and we are finally starting the drip of Pitocin. The only sad thing about this part was I wasn’t allowed to get out of bed. Which moving around was the ONLY way the pain was slightly reducing. I remember when the nurse told me I couldn’t go back in the shower. (Let me tell you something: my next baby will 150% be a water birth. When I tell you letting that warm shower water hit my lower back helped. It COMPLETELY took away my contractions. I felt nothing) I cry when she told me I had to stay in bed for the rest of the time. So they start the Pitocin and my crotractions increased. But they weren’t unbearable. Once you find that one position, or certain breathing technique you can learn to cope as they pass. My way was my aunt coming over and my resting on her while rocking back and forth doing my breathing techniques.

So the contractions increase and I’m doing my best to focus on passing through each one. So now they are at the point to were they are checking me every 30 or so minutes to see if I’m dilated. It felt like I stopped at 9 and wouldn’t budge for so long. So now I’m at the point where my body NEEDS to push. Like my muscles are automatically bearing down even though I can’t push until 10 cm. So my doctor who was delivering the baby had a c section to do. So they were waiting for him to check if I’m ready to push. So every time I asked my nurse where he was it was always he is still in his c section he’ll be done soon” so finally it’s about 7 pm. And he still wasn’t done. I looked at my nurse and said “If you do not go and get Dr. Pablo right now, so help me I will delivery this baby without him.” So she finally calls again, and she says he is on his way. So he gets to my room and unfortunately I’m still at 9 but he said it’s definitely improved. (Back tracking a few steps) a little bit earlier when I was at 8 cm I told my nurse I was struggling to stop myself from pushing and she told me that I really needed to try because it can be dangerous for me and the baby if i push when I’m not fully dilated. So I starting to cry when I was almost at 10 because my body was doing it’s thing and naturally wanting to push down on its own. So Dr. P finally says if you have to push then push. He wasn’t even ready at this point lol he was still putting on his gown and having the nurse tie it but i couldn’t wait anymore. I waited so long to push that the second he said it I just let my body do it’s thing. So it’s now 7:27pm and I started pushing and finally Dr. P says only a few more pushes and she’s here. 3 more pushes she is finally out at 7:57, after starting the Pitocin at 26 hours earlier

Ava Claire 7lbs 13.5 ounces 20 inches long 💕