Having my Cake and Eating it Too

Just ranting mostly here.

I moved to my husbands hometown to settle down, that was my choice and there was no pressure. His family is close knit and mine isn't, so it made sense to me that we and our children would have a strong support system and that's something I didn't have growing up.

His sister is extremely moody, but has always been nice to me, until we moved here. Now she has picked a fight with me on multiple occasions, left me out of 'family' discussions she has started, and won't talk to me or even make eye contact with me. She even includes my brother-in-laws girlfriend (they started dating years after our wedding) in everything and my husband, just not me.

I'm feeling as if I'm going to end up alone in a place where I'm not even around my family or old friends. I guess I'm just feeling down and left out.