WE said yes, but there's a problem...HELP!

Omg 😍my boyfriend (and childhood sweetheart) and I got back together earlier this year. I got divorced (10 year marriage) in February and have 3 children from that marriage. My currrent boyfriend and I remained friends all these years (have known each other since birth). He was the first boy I ever kissed, my first boyfriend, and first love. It's almost like we have been waiting for each other our whole lives. Today, he proposed to me and my 10 year old daughter & we said YES!

The only problem is my family isnt very supportive of our union since they love my ex-husband and were very upset that I wanted a divorce. We live in a very small town and alot of other people feel this way also. My question is, is it inappropriate to have a big wedding since I have already had one (this will be his first marriage). I want to celebrate us! I love us! I just don't want to step on any toes... please help!!!