Stopping Nuvaring/Weight Gain/TTC


It’s 3 am and I’ve been reading boards all over the internet about people stopping Nuvaring and I’m reaching out because I’m freaking out a little bit. Please tell me if your experience has been similar and please give me hope if you’re past this.

I started Nuvaring in April of 2017 because I was getting married in June and didn’t want to get pregnant our first year. I stopped Nuvaring at the end of May 2018 so we could TTC. Almost immediately I gained 10 lbs. I lost about 15-20 while on NR.

I’m having a terrible time getting the weight off and while that’s frustrating I’m even more worried that we won’t be able to get pregnant. I’m a teacher and so it would be ideal to get pregnant soon so that we’ll have a baby at the end of the school year/summer. (My school district doesn’t have maternity leave and my husband is a student; we just can’t afford to take off more than a month.)

What’s been your experience both with losing weight after Nuvaring (the online consensus is that it’s extremely difficult) and TTC and/or getting pregnant.
