My 8/12 baby turned into a 8/4 baby


Hi Ladies! I had my sweet baby girl on 8/4 after struggling with high blood pressure that wouldn’t go back down since last Wednesday 8/1. I was sent to l&d; at my hospital that same morning for some monitoring and what ultimately turned into a diagnosis of preeclampsia and an scheduled induction for that same day. Little girl did great throughout the entire process but after 72 hours of me struggling, a complete dosis of miso, another complete dosis of cervidil and then another full miso once again, my kidney and liver levels continued to go up and no change whatsoever to my cervix. No centimeters gained always closed after each procedure tried. I wanted to push her out so bad, but I was also tired and wanted the best most healthy outcome for the two of us as well. I ended up being wheeled in for a csection on 8/4 at around 1:30pm and she was finally born with healthy hearty screams at 2:13pm. Completely in love with my little girl, of course hubby and I cried, even through all the mechanical aspects of a csection the entire thing was incredibly beautiful and now we have our beautiful, healthy baby girl with us. She was born a day shy of being 39 weeks, so everything was functioning well and I am incredibly thankful to God for that. Best of luck to all of you both still expecting your little ones and those with newborns at your hand. It’s going to be a wild ride and I just can’t wait ❤️❤️❤️