Moved out of parents house-super sad.

I don't know if this is the right category to put this in so I apologize if it isn't. I moved out of my parents house 2 days ago in my own apartment to be closer to work. I was driving an hour to work everyday from my parents house and now I live about 10-15 min from work which is much nicer. The first night, my boyfriend stayed with me to keep me company. And he will occasionally. But for the most part I am on my own. I thought I'd feel a little sad on the day of but then he okay. Well I've cried constantly the last 2 days and i can't stop feeling so emotional. While I think I will like living on my own eventually, right now it feels very lonely and I miss my old home and parents a lot. I still feel like I did the right thing as I'm closer to work now, but it's really hard. The apartment seems safe but I get nervous sleeping at night and coming home. Has anyone else gone through this and have any ideas on how to feel better about it? Will it just take time? Thank you in advance to anyone who replies.