
I gave birth to my son on 05/08/18! I always see these posts of recovery whether it’s physical healthy or emotional health! I am very proud of myself for the amazing mama I am. I am still very insecure about my post baby body. The top left picture was a month before I found out I was pregnant. The top right is a little less than a month before my due date. The bottom left is 2 months post baby. The bottom right was taken yesterday and he is about to be 3 months in 2 days. I don’t have time to exercise!! I am working on being more confident. I’m only 20, and I want another baby in the future of course. What women do with their bodies to birth babes is absolutely beautiful. I miss my belly so much. Besides no one judged you when you had that extra weight! Instead you got told you were glowing when you felt like a cow!! 😂🤱🏽 anyways I birthed a perfect little baby and I couldn’t be more proud of myself!!