I had been dialated at a 2 and a half for almost a month and 80%effaced

I had been dialated at a 2 and a half for almost a month and 80%effaced. This is my 3rd baby so I thought for sure id go early. I would have contraction every 3-5 min for an hour or so every couple days. Pretty much from when I was 37 to 39 weeks. Well at 39w2d I went fishing with my kids and boyfriend. I took a bath when we got home and noticed a small little peice of mucus plug with a ting of blood on it in the bath when I got out. I didn't think anything of it because i had been losing mucus plug since 36 weeks. My contractions seriously felt like a sore back muscle so I went and laid down. Stomic kept feeling tight kinda like I was doin a sit up. I was having them every 3-5 min. So I told my boyfriend. Its time to go. We might as well go check and see if it's for reals this time. I had a false alarm 7 days prior to this. Contraction felt the same both times. But when I got there I was 3 almost 4cm. They called my doc after watching my contractions hit hard every 3-5 min and informed him that my cervix wasn't changing much. But he insisted and drove in and broke my water and 4 hours later at 6am. I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. Rhythm she weight 8lbs and 18 inches long. She's so perfect. I'm so grateful. I have so many medical issues due from my thyroid disease so she is purely a miracle in my life. My little brother that past away from a suicide 2 years ago I know has had my back through this and is her guardian angel because their birthdays are 12 days apart.