1st sonogram disappoints

Kendra • 🌈Hopeful🌈 PCOS. 6th medicated IUI cycle. Trying again after 8/24 miscarriage at 11wks. 🤞🏽 Currently TTC ☺️ insemination before the end of October‼️

I went in today for my first sonogram. Its been exactly 8wks since I was inseminated. We saw the yolk and gestational sack but the dr said I wasn’t measuring as far along as I should be. They ordered labs and I’m impatiently waiting for them to call me with the results. He says to come back next wk for another U/S. Of course I’m feeling a million emotions. It took me over 2years to get pregnant and more money than I care to admit and now I feel like my dream may be getting crushed. I’m trying to remain positive but I’m so nervous that my body has failed me again. 😔 but what’s most puzzling is how can I be so sick if things aren’t going right? I’m so hurt and confused right now.