Can the Pill make your period not show up?

Paige • Mommy of 1 little boy and 1 😇 ♥️ Baby #2 on way ❤

just a little back story, I had my son last year August 25th and i wasn't on birth control till 8th October. I'm on the pill bc and when I first got on it I had a normal period when I was suppose to all the way up until May of this year. My period (May period) has gone from light/heavish bleeding & could fill a tampon, June's period was the same but lighter & filled half to 3/4 of the tampon, July's period was two days and only filled a small amount of my tampon and not even the tip of it was full. Now its August and my period was due yesterday but I started my sugar pill bc three days ago.

I've had period like cramps (painless until you twisted around to do something). Been feeling nauseous here and there but that's because I've thrown myself out of bed and had breakfast when normally I dont as it makes me sick.

what's going on with my bc? why has it stopped working?