I don’t understand what happened???

Courtney • 23. God fearing ❣️ City born | Country Raised Be You. Love You. All ways. Always.

So I had sex Sunday night my boyfriend, now mind you we haven’t did it in about a week or two (due to his daughter being in town), so we finally get a open window to do so! Now when I say I’ve never squirted more than I did that night I have NEVER!!! I literally made a puddle on the floor. So tonight (Monday night) we get another open window to have some “fun” & for the life of me I CANNOT get wet this time around...like there were two periods during the sex where I got really wet, but neither of them lasted. I just don’t understand how one night I’m on ocean 🌊 & the next I’m like a dried up well.......I need answers, suggestions, relativity the WHOLE NINE!!!???😩😩😩🤦🏾‍♀️