about to be 37 stressing on breaking the news to the rest of my judgemental family.


oops we are pregnant with baby #4 + 13 year old step son. We are fresh off the double pink line test and already im stressed on the judgy judgersons in our families. Like, before we moved away from living in the same city as them (2hrs away) for better job opprotunity for my Mr. pretty much the last thing i heard was "just don't have another baby." Not because of the distance but because of the "affordability of babies." This coming from a baby boomer era double income no kids, their entire lives. i love them, but i already told my husband we don't need to make a big announcement. All i can here in my head are the snide remarks of friends, family, strangers etc. "you guys are crazy!" "5 kids?!?" "are you guys trying to be the duggars?" ugh. We are a blended family, this will be baby number 2 with my hubby, our youngest is about to be 3. It's only been a few days since we found out, but this issue already has me losing sleep. I dont know what my question is, but how do i combat this issue. btw, this is my last baby, and i am overjoyed, and so excited to enjoy every moment good, bad, or pukey. lol