Chinese Gender Test


So I know this is random and not sure what section I should have posted in but my boyfriend and I are wanting a boy so bad. I mean yes we will still be very happy with a girl. We just want a boy. He wants a boy so they can have matching outfits and shoes and do boy things together. But to get to the point. We randomly started looking at the Chinese gender test and it said we were having a boy. We wanted to see how accurate it was or what the chances were that it was right. I’m not saying it is but we did both of his daughters, my boys, him, me, my mom, his mom, his sister, my sister, his aunt, and his aunts son. I kid you not every result was on point. So I don’t know what to think. If it’s true or not? It’s fun to do but idk we’re excited and just hoping for a boy. I’d just like to hear everyone’s opinions on what they think or have they ever done it before.