A difficult decision


My husband and I have lovingly cared for cats for years, we have 5 (and a one year old son), and would do just about anything for them.

One of our older guys (he’s 13 and we’ve had him for 12 years) has recently developed some problems. We don’t know exactly what is wrong but he has started having episodes where he falls or stumbles and has difficulty getting back up. It almost appears like he’s having mini seizures. I’ve noticed him do this a couple times over the last 6 months or so but about a week and a half ago it started happening very frequently, but sporadically. For example, he was having these episodes every half hour or so for a couple days, then nothing for a couple days, then back to having them every 10-15 minutes for the past few days. I’ve had him to our regular vet twice in the last week - he did ear cultures to rule out a problem with the inner ear and blood work - which came back great, no problems. His suggestion now is to go see a neurologist, which I made an appointment for next Tuesday (that’s the earliest I could get him in).

Here is where my dilemma comes in - I want to do whatever I can to help him, but I don’t want to put him through any extensive or invasive testing if the likelihood that we can do anything to help him in the long run is slim to none. To be quite honest we also don’t have thousands of dollars to spend either. Sure we can put it on credit cards but those will have to be paid eventually and we are trying to save money for a bigger house for our family. He’s older, but also otherwise healthy so far. In his current state I do not think he’s in pain or suffering. His personality is the same, and his episodes don’t seem to bother him - he has them, recovers, then carries on like nothing happened. But it is very difficult, for us, watching this happen to him.

I’m not sure what I want to get out of posting this here, maybe words or wisdom or if anyone we had been through similar could share their story. I feel like my options are to let whatever is happening happen until it becomes a quality of life issue, or go ahead with the testing and hope they find an answer/treatment. My friends and family have suggested we don’t put him through testing, then of course my vet sort of makes me feel like a horrible person for considering not doing the testing. I’m so torn, and the stress is really starting to hit me. Thanks everyone!