How do you feel about posting pictures of your babies on social media?


I’m pregnant now, and my husband and I were looking at newborn photo shoot ideas for fun. Then he commented that he doesn’t want any pictures of our newborn on social media. He feels that it’s a private moment for us and close family and friends, and he doesn’t feel comfortable will our child’s face in the public so soon.

We didn’t argue about it. I respect his views. I understand where he is coming from, but at the same time I think I feel differently. I have family and friends who live all over the country and I don’t feel like I’ll be up to texting every single person individually with photos of our new baby (that I will be so proud of and want to share with anybody lol). I think posting them on my private accounts - when the time is right - to share with friends and family that don’t live close to me will be easiest.

I’m not totally set on a perspective regarding this topic. I have to think about it some more.. and we have time! In the meantime, I am curious how you ladies feel about it?