Induction- Ahh!


We came in around 5PM Monday night. Got the foley catheter bulb in the cervix around 8PM. That speculum HURT- But I didn't even feel her insert the catheter itself! Anyway, I bled out of the catheter and cramped HORRIBLY until around 2AM when I requested pain medicine- It was heavenly. It was 4:30AM when my nurse removed the catheter (it was coming out; just needed a little help). Then we started the antibiotic (for GBS), Pitocin, and a bag of regular fluids to keep me hydrated! The midwife then checked for dilation (I was 4CM). Once we started all that I was tolerating the pain just fine, but bleeding really heavy like a period. So I bled and bled but didn't have any pain. My nurse suggested getting the Epidural then because even though I wasn't having pain, my contractions we 2-3 minutes apart and they wanted to break my water, which they said would be pretty painful if I didn't get the Epidural first. So we got the Epidural around 12:30PM and finished around 1:00PM. THAT SHIT HURT. I am not going to sugar coat anything. I almost puked and passed out, and left a huge stretch wrinkle in my husband's shirt from where he was holding me and I was grabbing his shirt. The anethesiologist had to place it about 4 times because I couldn't hold still. Anyhow, once it was over, I felt LOVELY. So we checked cervix again and I was now at a 5, 60% effaced, -2 station. So she broke my water. I of course felt nothing. Then they inserted a catheter in my bladder because obviously I can't get up, and another monitor to check the strength of contractions in my vagina by my cervix. So I've pretty much been laying down since then- on my left side for 30 minutes, then right, then left, then right.. Then she checked again, and I was at a 5, but 80% effaced, and -1 station. Now they've got me sitting up for a while. Baby and body is progressing fine, but it's taking a while! Will update as soon as baby is here! I just wanted to type out the first part of this, so I don't forget. Getting exciteddd!