36 week growth scan


we had our final scan of baby yesterday to measure. at our 3d scan 4 weeks ago he asked the woman if she could give a guess how big the baby was at that point and she said 'off the record' almost 5lbs (I don't remember the exact number of ounces she said of 4 pounds but it was close to 5!)

Yesterday the tech told us baby is measuring about 6lb 12oz and I was 36+2 and she had me measuring 36+5 and my fluid levels were perfect. She said she thinks the baby will be low to mid 8s!!!!😶😂 I love my lil heffalump😍 had one hand up to the mouth and the other grabbing a foot😂😁 here are a few pics of our baby from the scans we've had throughout our journey :)

can't believe there's only 25 days left..and nobody thinks I'm making it to my due date😅

8 weeks

18 week anatomy scan

3D at 32+2

and from the growth scan yesterday at36+2, looking at us and grabbing the foot :)

so crazy and yet so wonderful how much the baby has grown and even looking back at pics from a couple months ago and seeing how much /I've/ grown!😂 I love it😍